Out of Print Titles

The following titles published by Mayfield Books are now out ot print, and there are currently no plans for them to be reprinted.
Copies of most of these books can be supplied as
digital PDF files that can be viewed on a computer or printed for personal use. They can be sent for downloading using WeTransfer or supplied on a CD. To order contact Mayfield Books.
The titles currently available are shown below. All the other titles will be made available subject to demand. (Note: due to minor variations in fonts some pages may not correspond exactly to the printed editions, but all the text and information is identical.)

British Clockmakers & Watchmakers Apprentice Records 1710-1810, by Dennis Moore (published 2003). PDF £35

Clockmakers & Watchmakers of Derbyshire, by Roy G. Hughes & Maxwell Craven (published 1998)

John Whitehurst of Derby, Clockmaker & Scientist, 1713-88, by Maxwell Craven (published 1996)

Mecer Chronometers, History, Repair & Maintenance, by Tony Mercer (published 2003). PDF £30

Ormskirk Clockmakers & Watchmakers, by Anthony Daly (published 2006)

The Quaker Clockmakers of North Oxfordshire
, by Tim Martshall (published 2013) PDF not available at the request of the author

Practical Clock Escapements
, by Laurie Penman (published 1998, reprinted 2002). .

Railway Clocks, by Ian Lyman (published 2004). PDF £30

Restoring Musical Boxes & Musical Clocks
by Arthur Ord-Hume (published 1997, reprinted 2005). PDF £30

Wales Clocks & Clockmakers by William Linnard (Published 2003)